Large cities • 2018 • past ranking

Město Písek

IČO 00249998

Buyer recieves unusually small ammount of bids. Data on buyer profile have relatively good quality.


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Bidder participation

Is the level of competition satisfactory?   detailed info 

average 52%
Largest contracts
Úpravna vody Písek
Water-treatment plant construction work
Ø5 in industry
Městská knihovna Písek a centrum vzdělávání
Construction work for buildings relating to education and research
Ø4 in industry
Sdružené služby dodávky elektřiny pro město Písek, jeho příspěvkové organizace a společnosti, ve kterých má město Písek majetkový podíl
Ø5 in industry
Rekonstrukce Dobrovského ulice v Písku - 2. etapa
Construction work for highways, roads
Ø7 in industry
Rekonstrukce Jeronýmovy ulice v Písku
Construction work for highways, roads
Ø7 in industry

Winner concentration

Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms?   detailed info 

average 70%
Largest suppliers Contracts count Contracts volume Kč
SMP CZ, a.s.
1 178,739,437
OHL ŽS, a.s.
1 132,646,700
Casta dopravní stavby s.r.o.
4 50,907,322
E.ON Energie, a.s.
3 49,412,541
KOČÍ a.s.
3 33,448,886
Other suppliers 29 131,454,464

Pro-competitive tools

Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools?   detailed info 

average 71%
Tool Contracts count
Extended deadlines 35% (7 from 20)
Nonprice competition 16% (4 from 25)
Division into lots 12% (3 from 25)
E-auction 12% (3 from 25)
Innovative procedure 0% ( from 25)

Public procurement share on total purchases

What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law?   detailed info 

average 56%
Purchases Volume (Kč)
Public procurement 796,983,145
Small scale tenders 0
Unregulated purchases 905,557,332
Total 1,702,540,477

Competitive contracting

How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures?   detailed info 

average 87%

Consistent conduct

Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications?   detailed info 

average 77%
Type of flaw Result
Issued tenders without published result 0%
Cancelled contracts 12%
Average requirements modifications count 1.24

Journal data quality

Does buyer publish vital data in official journal?   detailed info 

average 90%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Bidders count not published 5% (2 from 44)
Procedure type not published 0% (0 from 44)
Missing buyer ID 0% (0 from 44)
Missing call for tenders 0% (0 from 44)
Missing winning price 0% ( from 44)
Contract modification by more than 50 % 0% ( from 44)

Buyer profile data quality

Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements?   detailed info 

average 55%
Check Result
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? 80% (contracts)
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? 0.53 (average mistakes per contract)
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 40 tenders under the law)
0-250K 0 tenders
250K-500K 0 tenders
500K-1000K 0 tenders
1000K+ 0 tenders