Considerable volume of contracts goes only to few firms. Buyer profile lacks mandatory machine readability.
Is the level of competition satisfactory? detailed info
Largest contracts Industry |
Bids |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Refuse and waste related services |
Ø2 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Street-cleaning and sweeping services |
Ø2 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Refuse and waste related services |
Ø2 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Cleaning services |
Ø4 in industry |
Largest contracts Industry |
Bids |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Refuse and waste related services |
Ø2 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Street-cleaning and sweeping services |
Ø2 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Refuse and waste related services |
Ø2 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Komunální služby pro Ústí nad Labem
Cleaning services |
Ø4 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Správa a údržba Městských sadů v Ústí nad Labem
Horticultural services |
Ø5 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Inteligentní zastávky
Security, fire-fighting, police and defence equipment |
Ø2 in industry |
Správa a údržba Městských sadů v Ústí nad Labem
Repair and maintenance services |
Ø3 in industry |
Modernizace infrastruktury GIS města
Systems support services |
Ø2 in industry |
Dodávky drogerie a čisticích prostředků
Cleaning and polishing products |
Ø2 in industry |
Modernizace infrastruktury GIS města
Systems support services |
Ø2 in industry |
Štefánikova – velkoplošná obnova obrusné vrstvy vozovky
Construction work for pipelines, communication and power lines, for highways, roads, airfields and railways; flatwork |
Ø6 in industry |
Pojištění odpovědnosti za újmu pro Statutární město Ústí nad Labem
Insurance services |
Ø2 in industry |
Ústí nad Labem, ul. Anežky České - velkoplošná oprava chodníků
Various surface works |
Ø5 in industry |
„Venkovní areál Plavecké haly Klíše“ - PD.
Project and design preparation, estimation of costs |
Ø3 in industry |
Ústí nad Labem – velkoplošné opravy chodníků v MO Ústí n.L. – Severní Terasa
Paths and other metalled surfaces |
Ø5 in industry |
Opravy místních komunikací a jejich součástí
Road-repair works |
Ø6 in industry |
Ústí nad Labem, ul. Jizerská - velkoplošné opravy chodníků - II. a III. etapa
Various surface works |
Ø5 in industry |
Ústí nad Labem – velkoplošné opravy chodníků v MO Ústí n. L. - město
Various surface works |
Ø5 in industry |
Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms? detailed info
Largest suppliers | Contracts count | Contracts volume Kč |
AVE Ústí nad Labem s.r.o. |
6 | 791,208,158 |
INSKY spol. s r.o. |
2 | 69,206,650 |
4 | 35,680,327 |
STRABAG Rail a.s. |
1 | 19,722,400 |
Patrik Hart - KUBOTA |
1 | 8,608,000 |
Other suppliers | 16 | 43,749,245 |
Supplier | Contracts count | Contracts volume (Kč) |
AVE Ústí nad Labem s.r.o. |
6 | 791,208,158 |
INSKY spol. s r.o. |
2 | 69,206,650 |
4 | 35,680,327 |
STRABAG Rail a.s. |
1 | 19,722,400 |
Patrik Hart - KUBOTA |
1 | 8,608,000 |
Credo Litoměřice VDZ spol. s r.o. |
1 | 8,480,000 |
STOSTAV s.r.o. |
1 | 5,930,360 |
DOKOM FINAL s.r.o. |
2 | 5,194,400 |
2 | 4,969,779 |
Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc. |
2 | 4,575,873 |
J&T Česká republika s.r.o. |
1 | 3,031,532 |
DOKOM FINAL s.r.o. |
2 | 2,866,642 |
ACTIVA spol. s r.o. |
1 | 2,479,200 |
STRABAG a.s. |
1 | 1,947,207 |
Česká pojišťovna a.s. |
1 | 1,890,000 |
1 | 1,785,000 |
HAGL, spol. s.r.o. |
1 | 599,251 |
Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools? detailed info
Tool | Contracts count |
Extended deadlines | 44% (4 from 9) |
Nonprice competition | 11% (1 from 9) |
Division into lots | 44% (4 from 9) |
E-auction | 11% (1 from 9) |
Innovative procedure | 0% ( from 9) |
What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law? detailed info
Purchases | Volume (Kč) |
Public procurement | 1,448,218,594 |
Small scale tenders | 0 |
Unregulated purchases | 1,710,838,344 |
Total | 3,159,056,937 |
Budget item | Objem prostredku Kč |
Durable property purchases | 871,545,500 |
Material consumption | 92,986,192 |
Energy consumption | 68,331,645 |
Other consumption | 0 |
Sold goods | 1,370,801 |
Activation of durable property | 0 |
Activation of consumable property | 0 |
Change of stock | 0 |
Maintenance and repairs | 607,523,724 |
Travel costs | 6,096,298 |
Representation costs | 3,966,537 |
In-house services | 0 |
Other services | 1,439,868,194 |
Small long-term property costs | 36,153,318 |
Other costs | 31,214,728 |
Did buyer violate law significantly? detailed info
How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures? detailed info
Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications? detailed info
Type of flaw | Result |
Issued tenders without published result | 0% |
Cancelled contracts | 22% |
Average requirements modifications count | 0.56 |
Does buyer publish vital data in official journal? detailed info
Type of flaw | Contracts count |
Bidders count not published | 10% (2 from 20) |
Procedure type not published | 0% (0 from 20) |
Missing buyer ID | 5% (1 from 20) |
Missing call for tenders | 0% (0 from 20) |
Missing winning price | 0% ( from 20) |
Contract modification by more than 50 % | 0% ( from 20) |
Contract | Type of flaw |
Štefánikova – velkoplošná obnova obrusné vrstvy vozovky | Final or estimated price not published |
Správa světelných signalizačních zařízení na území města Ústí nad Labem | Missing buyer ID |
Inteligentní zastávky - JŘBÚ | Bidders count not published, Final or estimated price not published |
Dodávka elektřiny v rámci sdružených služeb dodávky elektřiny na období 1.4.2016 – 31.12.2017 | Bidders count not published |
Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements? detailed info
Check | Result | ||||||||||||
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? | 35% (contracts) | ||||||||||||
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? | 1.06 (average mistakes per contract) | ||||||||||||
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 17 tenders under the law) |