Good buyer. Data on buyer profile have relatively good quality. Buyer divides contracts into lots to foster participation of SME's
Is the level of competition satisfactory? detailed info
Largest contracts Industry |
Bids |
Nakládání s komunálním odpadem pro město Nový Bor 2020 - 2024
Refuse and waste related services |
Ø1 in industry |
Rekonstrukce podstávkového domu č.p. 106 Nový Bor-II. opakované řízení
Restoration work |
Ø3 in industry |
Rozšíření varovného protipovodňového opatření pro město Nový Bor - modernizace a rozšíření stávajícího varovného a informačního systému
Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting |
Ø1 in industry |
Oprava střešního pláště č. p. 1, nám. Míru Nový Bor
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Víceúčelové sportovní hřiště při ZŠ náměstí Míru Nový Bor - 3. opakované řízení
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms? detailed info
Largest suppliers | Contracts count | Contracts volume Kč |
1 | 34,167,267 |
COMPAG CZ s.r.o. |
1 | 34,167,267 |
AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. |
5 | 22,000,000 |
STAMO, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 15,395,340 |
TELMO a.s. |
2 | 8,953,999 |
Other suppliers | 50 | 161,529,166 |
Supplier | Contracts count | Contracts volume (Kč) |
1 | 34,167,267 |
COMPAG CZ s.r.o. |
1 | 34,167,267 |
AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. |
5 | 22,000,000 |
STAMO, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 15,395,340 |
TELMO a.s. |
2 | 8,953,999 |
Silnice Žáček s.r.o. |
5 | 7,957,408 |
Milan Szabo |
1 | 7,484,256 |
StavoSport s.r.o. |
1 | 7,450,177 |
1 | 5,387,063 |
SANAP společnost s ručením omezeným |
1 | 5,139,166 |
DOKOM FINAL s.r.o. |
3 | 4,419,600 |
TERMI s.r.o. |
1 | 3,611,582 |
Setertix Group |
1 | 3,378,542 |
BLÁHA trade s.r.o. |
1 | 3,320,353 |
Pražská plynárenská, a.s. |
1 | 2,695,395 |
Projektová kancelář VANER s.r.o. |
2 | 2,676,220 |
WAKOS, s.r.o. |
1 | 2,225,776 |
VFSITE s.r.o. |
2 | 1,834,940 |
1 | 1,674,000 |
Vodní zdroje Ekomonitor spol. s r.o. |
1 | 1,631,966 |
O2 Czech Republic a.s. |
1 | 1,552,800 |
Skanska a.s. |
1 | 1,478,692 |
LAMAL s.r.o. |
1 | 1,377,706 |
Stavební firma KULT s.r.o. |
1 | 1,156,369 |
ZEPS s.r.o. |
2 | 1,151,529 |
SME s.r.o. |
1 | 1,100,214 |
OKNA LANGER s.r.o. |
1 | 1,099,100 |
1 | 1,093,850 |
Raamar, s.r.o. |
1 | 1,030,794 |
HANTYCH s.r.o. |
1 | 933,000 |
R-built s.r.o. |
1 | 763,800 |
Auto Babiš s.r.o. |
1 | 649,000 |
FLAME System s.r.o. |
1 | 608,000 |
AUTO KP PLUS SU s.r.o. |
1 | 464,380 |
Vodohospodářský rozvoj a výstavba a.s. zkráceně VRV a.s. |
1 | 429,000 |
1 | 301,312 |
V A R I A s.r.o. - inženýrská činnost a provádění staveb |
1 | 280,000 |
ALESTRA s.r.o. |
1 | 237,226 |
AUTO GREMOS, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 229,835 |
Gerhard Horejsek a spol., s.r.o. |
1 | 213,884 |
Karel Hladík |
1 | 149,000 |
Vodohospodářské projekty s.r.o. |
1 | 50,000 |
Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools? detailed info
Tool | Contracts count |
Extended deadlines | 33% (1 from 3) |
Nonprice competition | 0% (0 from 9) |
Division into lots | 22% (2 from 9) |
E-auction | 0% (0 from 9) |
Innovative procedure | 0% (0 from 9) |
What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law? detailed info
Purchases | Volume (Kč) |
Public procurement | 180,016,803 |
Small scale tenders | 122,464,386 |
Unregulated purchases | 282,019,041 |
Total | 584,500,230 |
Budget item | Objem prostredku Kč |
Durable property purchases | 159,923,509 |
Material consumption | 17,058,347 |
Energy consumption | 28,377,351 |
Other consumption | 0 |
Sold goods | 2,544,030 |
Activation of durable property | 0 |
Activation of consumable property | 0 |
Change of stock | 0 |
Maintenance and repairs | 148,151,380 |
Travel costs | 666,777 |
Representation costs | 1,875,256 |
In-house services | 0 |
Other services | 209,322,870 |
Small long-term property costs | 9,583,869 |
Other costs | 6,996,839 |
Did buyer violate law significantly? detailed info
How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures? detailed info
Contract Reason for negotiated procedure without publication |
Original contract (Kč) | Contract modification / NPWP (Kč) |
Oprava střešního pláště č. p. 1, nám. Míru Nový Bor Contract modification |
7,484,256 | 2,175,005 (+30%) |
Rekonstrukce podstávkového domu č.p. 106 Nový Bor-II. opakované řízení Contract modification |
15,395,340 | 980,763 (+7%) |
Contract Reason for negotiated procedure without publication |
Original contract (Kč) | Contract modification / NPWP (Kč) |
Oprava střešního pláště č. p. 1, nám. Míru Nový Bor Contract modification |
7,484,256 | 2,175,005 (+30%) |
Rekonstrukce podstávkového domu č.p. 106 Nový Bor-II. opakované řízení Contract modification |
15,395,340 | 980,763 (+7%) |
Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications? detailed info
Does buyer publish vital data in official journal? detailed info
Type of flaw | Contracts count |
Bidders count not published | 0% (0 from 11) |
Procedure type not published | 0% (0 from 11) |
Missing buyer ID | 0% (0 from 11) |
Missing call for tenders | 0% (0 from 11) |
Missing winning price | 0% (0 from 11) |
Contract modification by more than 50 % | 0% (0 from 11) |
Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements? detailed info
Check | Result | ||||||||||||
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? | 100% (contracts) | ||||||||||||
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? | 1.00 (average mistakes per contract) | ||||||||||||
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 11 tenders under the law) |
Have the tenders according to companies been procured fairly and professionally? detailed info
Buyer did not get enough feedback (yet) to get a statistically relevant rating from his tender participants. Thus he gets standard rank of 80 %.