Buyer profile has high number of errors. The competition for contracts is high.
Is the level of competition satisfactory? detailed info
Largest contracts Industry |
Bids |
Odkanalizování města Rychvald, IV. stavba - kanalizace Husitská - II
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Rekonstrukce části budovy č.p. 1609 – vytvoření zázemí pro Dům dětí a mládeže Rychvald II - Rekonstrukce části budovy č.p. 1609 – vytvoření zázemí pro Dům dětí a mládeže Rychvald II. Část A - vnitřní rekonstrukce budovy
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Rekonstrukce školní kuchyně a jídelny při ZŠ Sídliště stavební práce
Construction work for school buildings |
Ø3 in industry |
Komunikace pro pěší podél ul. Michálkovické v Rychvaldě – úsek 2 a 3
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Dodávka, implementace a podpora informačního systému
Information systems |
Ø1 in industry |
Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms? detailed info
Largest suppliers | Contracts count | Contracts volume Kč |
STASPO, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 9,847,450 |
SILNICE.CZ s.r.o. |
2 | 9,182,898 |
VDS, spol. s r.o. |
2 | 9,112,103 |
ERUPTIVA s.r.o. |
1 | 7,117,117 |
GORDIC spol. s r.o. |
1 | 4,897,969 |
Other suppliers | 2 | 12,015,086 |
Supplier | Contracts count | Contracts volume (Kč) |
STASPO, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 9,847,450 |
SILNICE.CZ s.r.o. |
2 | 9,182,898 |
VDS, spol. s r.o. |
2 | 9,112,103 |
ERUPTIVA s.r.o. |
1 | 7,117,117 |
GORDIC spol. s r.o. |
1 | 4,897,969 |
MAVA spol. s r.o. |
1 | 3,772,565 |
KONE, a.s. |
1 | 1,014,000 |
Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools? detailed info
Tool | Contracts count |
Extended deadlines | 43% (3 from 7) |
Nonprice competition | 20% (3 from 15) |
Division into lots | 33% (5 from 15) |
E-auction | 0% (0 from 15) |
Innovative procedure | 0% (0 from 15) |
What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law? detailed info
Purchases | Volume (Kč) |
Public procurement | 78,926,394 |
Small scale tenders | 0 |
Unregulated purchases | 280,682,365 |
Total | 359,608,760 |
Budget item | Objem prostredku Kč |
Durable property purchases | 147,320,250 |
Material consumption | 6,683,977 |
Energy consumption | 10,895,298 |
Other consumption | 96,588 |
Sold goods | 89,134 |
Activation of durable property | 0 |
Activation of consumable property | 0 |
Change of stock | 0 |
Maintenance and repairs | 63,931,365 |
Travel costs | 104,596 |
Representation costs | 548,628 |
In-house services | 0 |
Other services | 119,653,359 |
Small long-term property costs | 7,174,859 |
Other costs | 3,110,706 |
Did buyer violate law significantly? detailed info
How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures? detailed info
Contract Reason for negotiated procedure without publication |
Original contract (Kč) | Contract modification / NPWP (Kč) |
Rekonstrukce části budovy č.p. 1609 – vytvoření zázemí pro Dům dětí a mládeže Rychvald II Contract modification |
9,112,103 | 2,318,101 (+26%) |
Komunikace pro pěší podél ul. Michálkovické v Rychvaldě – úsek 2 a 3 Contract modification |
6,207,909 | 1,546,344 (+25%) |
Komunikace pro pěší podél ul. Michálkovické v Rychvaldě – úsek 1 Contract modification |
2,974,988 | 778,046 (+27%) |
Contract Reason for negotiated procedure without publication |
Original contract (Kč) | Contract modification / NPWP (Kč) |
Rekonstrukce části budovy č.p. 1609 – vytvoření zázemí pro Dům dětí a mládeže Rychvald II Contract modification |
9,112,103 | 2,318,101 (+26%) |
Komunikace pro pěší podél ul. Michálkovické v Rychvaldě – úsek 2 a 3 Contract modification |
6,207,909 | 1,546,344 (+25%) |
Komunikace pro pěší podél ul. Michálkovické v Rychvaldě – úsek 1 Contract modification |
2,974,988 | 778,046 (+27%) |
Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications? detailed info
Type of flaw | Result |
Issued tenders without published result | 0% |
Cancelled contracts | 43% |
Average requirements modifications count | 0.86 |
Average decision length | 53.86 days |
Does buyer publish vital data in official journal? detailed info
Type of flaw | Contracts count |
Bidders count not published | 0% (0 from 15) |
Procedure type not published | 0% (0 from 15) |
Missing buyer ID | 0% (0 from 15) |
Missing call for tenders | 0% (0 from 15) |
Missing winning price | 0% (0 from 15) |
Contract modification by more than 50 % | 0% (0 from 15) |
Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements? detailed info
Check | Result | ||||||||||||
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? | 57% (contracts) | ||||||||||||
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? | 1.43 (average mistakes per contract) | ||||||||||||
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 14 tenders under the law) |
Have the tenders according to companies been procured fairly and professionally? detailed info
Buyer did not get enough feedback (yet) to get a statistically relevant rating from his tender participants. Thus he gets standard rank of 80 %.