Large cities • 2020 • past ranking

Statutární město Kladno

IČO 00234516

Buyer recieves unusually small ammount of bids. Calls for tenders are often modified or cancelled.

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Bidder participation

Is the level of competition satisfactory?   detailed info 

average 49%
Largest contracts
Rámcová smlouva na běžnou a souvislou údržbu pozemních komunikací na území Statutárního města Kladna
Construction work for highways, roads
Ø5 in industry
Podzemní kontejnery - Kladno
Buyer profile data - no industry specification
Ø2 in industry
Zabezpečení vstupů do MŠ a ZŠ
Surveillance and security systems and devices
Ø2 in industry
Dopravní značení Statutárního města Kladna
Control, safety, signalling and light equipment
Ø3 in industry
Revitalizace hřišť
Horticultural services
Ø3 in industry

Winner concentration

Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms?   detailed info 

average 90%
Largest suppliers Contracts count Contracts volume Kč
AVE Kladno s.r.o.
6 113,582,425
ARTEA CZ, a.s.
15 82,355,470
ZKP Kladno s.r.o.
2 51,119,404
Zakládání a údržba zeleně s.r.o.
11 48,461,285
1 48,000,000
Other suppliers 324 978,628,322

Pro-competitive tools

Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools?   detailed info 

average 42%
Tool Contracts count
Extended deadlines 58% (21 from 36)
Nonprice competition 10% (8 from 83)
Division into lots 19% (16 from 83)
E-auction 2% (2 from 83)
Innovative procedure 0% (0 from 83)

Public procurement share on total purchases

What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law?   detailed info 

average 55%
Purchases Volume (Kč)
Public procurement 735,608,435
Small scale tenders 504,651,230
Unregulated purchases 2,947,511,441
Total 4,187,771,105

Competitive contracting

How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures?   detailed info 

average 89%
Reason for negotiated procedure without publication
Original contract (Kč) Contract modification / NPWP (Kč)
Rekonstrukce a stavební úpravy objektu Základní školy Kladno, Brjanská 3078 se zaměřením na modernizaci ICT, vybavení přírodovědných učeben a dílen včetně zajištění bezbariérovosti II.
Contract modification
15,369,061 2,123,485 (+14%)
Dopravní telematika Kladno
Contract modification
20,858,473 1,557,723 (+8%)
Mobilní telefonie Statutárního města Kladna a jeho organizací
Authorship rights
- 81,308

Consistent conduct

Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications?   detailed info 

average 61%
Type of flaw Result
Issued tenders without published result 11%
Cancelled contracts 19%
Average requirements modifications count 1.30
Average decision length 126.67 days

Journal data quality

Does buyer publish vital data in official journal?   detailed info 

average 96%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Bidders count not published 0% (0 from 95)
Procedure type not published 0% (0 from 95)
Missing buyer ID 0% (0 from 95)
Missing call for tenders 1% (1 from 95)
Missing winning price 0% (0 from 95)
Contract modification by more than 50 % 1% (1 from 95)

Buyer profile data quality

Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements?   detailed info 

average 58%
Check Result
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? 63% (contracts)
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? 1.13 (average mistakes per contract)
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 87 tenders under the law)
0-250K 5 tenders
250K-500K 6 tenders
500K-1000K 99 tenders
1000K+ 142 tenders