Large cities • 2020 • past ranking

Statutární město Olomouc

IČO 00299308

Large volume of money is spent without open competition. Data on buyer profile have relatively good quality.

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Bidder participation

Is the level of competition satisfactory?   detailed info 

average 49%
Largest contracts
Ulice 1. máje - rekonstrukce tramvajové trati, komunikace a inženýrských sítí II.
Railway construction works
Ø3 in industry
Tramvajová trať 8. května
Buyer profile data - no industry specification
Ø2 in industry
Modernizace varovného a informačního systému ochrany města Olomouce
Transmission apparatus for radiotelephony, radiotelegraphy, radio broadcasting and television
Ø2 in industry
Radnice Olomouc - oprava fasády a věže
Building completion work
Ø3 in industry
Holice Nový svět, průmyslová zóna Šlechtitelů - cyklostezka
Paths and other metalled surfaces
Ø4 in industry

Winner concentration

Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms?   detailed info 

average 90%
Largest suppliers Contracts count Contracts volume Kč
IDS - Inženýrské a dopravní stavby Olomouc a.s.
5 140,482,248
3 71,141,676
4 70,068,073
Colsys s.r.o.
1 60,977,690
MODOS spol. s r.o.
10 57,388,691
Other suppliers 358 925,015,168

Pro-competitive tools

Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools?   detailed info 

average 42%
Tool Contracts count
Extended deadlines 7% (2 from 28)
Nonprice competition 18% (12 from 68)
Division into lots 4% (3 from 68)
E-auction 7% (5 from 68)
Innovative procedure 1% (1 from 68)

Public procurement share on total purchases

What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law?   detailed info 

average 55%
Purchases Volume (Kč)
Public procurement 833,192,231
Small scale tenders 390,466,290
Unregulated purchases 5,177,615,192
Total 6,401,273,713

Competitive contracting

How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures?   detailed info 

average 89%
Reason for negotiated procedure without publication
Original contract (Kč) Contract modification / NPWP (Kč)
Propagační a reklamní služby
Authorship rights
- 54,000,000
Radnice Olomouc - oprava fasády a věže
Contract modification
47,289,620 13,269,802 (+29%)
Českobratrská – rekonstrukce vodovodu a kanalizace
Outside directive scope
- 12,761,298
ZŠ Gorkého - polytechnické učebny - stavební práce - zadání JŘBÚ
Previous tender without bids
- 12,537,002
Smetanova ulice - rekonstrukce vodovodu a kanalizace
Outside directive scope
- 9,570,000

Consistent conduct

Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications?   detailed info 

average 61%
Type of flaw Result
Issued tenders without published result 4%
Cancelled contracts 21%
Average requirements modifications count 1.25
Average decision length 74.19 days

Journal data quality

Does buyer publish vital data in official journal?   detailed info 

average 96%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Bidders count not published 0% (0 from 86)
Procedure type not published 0% (0 from 86)
Missing buyer ID 2% (2 from 86)
Missing call for tenders 0% (0 from 86)
Missing winning price 0% (0 from 86)
Contract modification by more than 50 % 0% (0 from 86)

Buyer profile data quality

Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements?   detailed info 

average 58%
Check Result
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? 93% (contracts)
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? 1.19 (average mistakes per contract)
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 84 tenders under the law)
0-250K 83 tenders
250K-500K 51 tenders
500K-1000K 64 tenders
1000K+ 80 tenders