Government • 2015

Ministerstvo pro místní rozvoj

IČO 66002222

Good buyer. Purchases are made in legal regime, there is no tendency to portion contracts. Data on buyer profile have relatively good quality.


Zindex je pro nás rozcvička.

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Bidder participation

Is the level of competition satisfactory?   detailed info 

average 61%
Largest contracts
Pořízení aplikace MS2014+ a zajištění jejího provozu a rozvoje
Informační technologie: poradenství, vývoj programového vybavení, internet a podpora
Ø2 in industry
Pořízení HW platformy a Infrastruktury serverovny pro MS2014+
Počítačové servery
Ø3 in industry
Výběr provozovatele Národního elektronického nástroje (NEN) na období 5 let
Výpočetní podpora a poradenské služby
Ø1 in industry
"Vývoj Národního elektronického nástroje (NEN) – systémový integrátor"
Informační technologie: poradenství, vývoj programového vybavení, internet a podpora
Ø2 in industry
HW a SW vybavení pro záložní pracoviště Aplikace MS2014+
Počítačové servery
Ø3 in industry

Winner concentration

Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms?   detailed info 

average 68%
Largest suppliers Contracts count Contracts volume Kč
Tesco Sw a.s.
6 850,123,694
Datasys s.r.o.
5 531,520,214
Ernst & Young Audit, s.r.o.
1 78,000,000
Gc System a.s.
3 62,775,041
Asd Software, s.r.o.
9 47,920,800
Other suppliers 89 440,777,313

Pro-competitive tools

Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools?   detailed info 

average 78%
Tool Contracts count
Extended deadlines 0% (17 from 0)
Nonprice competition 41% (13 from 32)
Division into lots 22% (7 from 32)
E-auction 0% (0 from 32)
Innovative procedure 0% ( from 32)

Public procurement share on total purchases

What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law?   detailed info 

average 56%
Purchases Volume (Kč)
Public procurement 2,052,633,020
Small scale tenders 0
Unregulated purchases 15,325,666
Total 2,067,958,686

Competitive contracting

How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures?   detailed info 

average 61%
Reason for negotiated procedure without publication
Original contract (Kč) Contract modification / NPWP (Kč)
Rozšíření služeb provozní podpory a rozvoje IS Monit7+ a Benefit7 v programovém období 2007-2013
Not disclosed
- 88,935,288
Dodávka HW a SW infrastruktury pro přípravné a testovací prostředí MS2014+
Not disclosed
- 29,296,297
Implementace změn plynoucích z aktuálních úprav TS NEN_
Not disclosed
- 12,000,000
Provoz, technická podpora a aktualizace číselníku NIPEZ
Jediný dodavatel (právní důvody)
- 10,377,450
Úprava návrhu řešení Národního elektronického nástroje (NEN) v důsledku legislativních změn
Jediný dodavatel (technické důvody)
- 8,000,000

Consistent conduct

Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications?   detailed info 

average 58%
Type of flaw Result
Issued tenders without published result 2%
Cancelled contracts 27%
Average requirements modifications count 0.80

Journal data quality

Does buyer publish vital data in official journal?   detailed info 

average 55%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Bidders count not published 1% (1 from 113)
Procedure type not published 0% (0 from 113)
Missing buyer ID 0% (0 from 113)
Missing call for tenders 4% (5 from 113)
Missing winning price 0% ( from 113)
Contract modification by more than 50 % 0% ( from 113)

Buyer profile data quality

Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements?   detailed info 

average 32%
Check Result
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? 96% (contracts)
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? 0.86 (average mistakes per contract)
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of tenders under the law)
0-250K 0 tenders
250K-500K 0 tenders
500K-1000K 0 tenders
1000K+ 0 tenders

Supplier rating

Do the risky firms win frequently?   detailed info 

average 88%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Supplier founded less than 180 days before contract award 0% (0 from 113)
Supplier with over 75 % of turnover from public procurement 0% (0 from 113)
Subcontractor share above 50 % 2% (2 from 113)
Supplier demise shortly after contract 0% (0 from 113)
Supplier bankruptcy 0% (0 from 113)
Supplier donating to political party 0% (0 from 113)
Supplier did not publish financial results on time 26% (29 from 113)

Information provision

Has buyer answered our information request?   detailed info 

average 56%

Full disclosure

Buyer did not reply within mandatory 15 days limit.