The competition for contracts is high. Buyer profile has high number of errors.
Is the level of competition satisfactory? detailed info
Largest contracts Industry |
Bids |
Brána Beskyd I
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Dopravní terminál Frýdlant nad Ostravicí
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Stavební úpravy Střediska sociálních služeb města Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, příspěvková organizace - prostory Domova se zvláštním režimem ve 2. NP a 3. NP budovy
Construction work |
Ø4 in industry |
Přístavba mateřské školy Janáčkova 1444 ve Frýdlantu nad Ostravicí
Construction work |
Ø3 in industry |
Stavební úpravy a přístavba hasičské zbrojnice a osvětové besedy v Lubně
Construction work |
Ø3 in industry |
Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms? detailed info
Largest suppliers | Contracts count | Contracts volume Kč |
BYSTROŇ Group a.s. |
3 | 76,527,455 |
STRABAG a.s. |
1 | 33,229,200 |
NOSTA, s.r.o. |
2 | 19,034,000 |
Porr a.s. |
2 | 14,890,102 |
1 | 13,999,949 |
Other suppliers | 31 | 101,750,087 |
Supplier | Contracts count | Contracts volume (Kč) |
BYSTROŇ Group a.s. |
3 | 76,527,455 |
STRABAG a.s. |
1 | 33,229,200 |
NOSTA, s.r.o. |
2 | 19,034,000 |
Porr a.s. |
2 | 14,890,102 |
1 | 13,999,949 |
1 | 11,746,272 |
1 | 11,275,000 |
Lesostavby Frýdek-Místek a.s. |
1 | 10,170,000 |
COLAS CZ, a.s. |
1 | 8,902,299 |
MVEX stavby s.r.o. |
1 | 7,784,156 |
EMPEMONT s.r.o. |
1 | 7,367,383 |
KOBIT, spol. s r.o. |
1 | 6,330,000 |
AVE CZ odpadové hospodářství s.r.o. |
1 | 5,719,140 |
Pražská plynárenská, a.s. |
2 | 5,098,820 |
1 | 3,920,459 |
Amper Market, a.s. |
1 | 3,047,092 |
RV Styl s. r. o. |
2 | 2,323,183 |
SDO Technika s.r.o. |
1 | 2,088,000 |
Jiřina Herotová |
1 | 1,986,120 |
AMBRA - Group, s.r.o. |
1 | 1,944,295 |
TINT s. r. o. |
1 | 1,908,600 |
Česká podnikatelská pojišťovna, a.s., Vienna Insurance Group |
1 | 1,468,288 |
P E A F R Ý D L A N T N.O., s.r.o. |
1 | 1,379,302 |
Ricka Karel s.r.o. |
1 | 1,298,859 |
Ing. Libor Vavřík |
1 | 1,179,902 |
INSTALL CZ, s.r.o. |
1 | 935,420 |
SIAS OPAVA spol. s r. o. |
1 | 861,996 |
ATELIER URBI, spol. s r.o. |
3 | 810,000 |
Česká pojišťovna a.s. |
1 | 802,352 |
1 | 775,263 |
Jiří Šimčák |
1 | 537,700 |
Komerční banka, a.s. |
1 | 90,187 |
Does the buyer foster the competition by using the available tools? detailed info
Tool | Contracts count |
Extended deadlines | 50% (2 from 4) |
Nonprice competition | 8% (2 from 25) |
Division into lots | 4% (1 from 25) |
E-auction | 0% (0 from 25) |
Innovative procedure | 0% (0 from 25) |
What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law? detailed info
Purchases | Volume (Kč) |
Public procurement | 161,309,152 |
Small scale tenders | 17,802,813 |
Unregulated purchases | 409,679,056 |
Total | 588,791,021 |
Budget item | Objem prostredku Kč |
Durable property purchases | 298,370,493 |
Material consumption | 11,085,588 |
Energy consumption | 25,487,736 |
Other consumption | 0 |
Sold goods | 0 |
Activation of durable property | 0 |
Activation of consumable property | 0 |
Change of stock | 2,520 |
Maintenance and repairs | 80,364,238 |
Travel costs | 576,815 |
Representation costs | 478,731 |
In-house services | 0 |
Other services | 154,200,310 |
Small long-term property costs | 15,614,905 |
Other costs | 2,609,686 |
Did buyer violate law significantly? detailed info
How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures? detailed info
Contract Reason for negotiated procedure without publication |
Original contract (Kč) | Contract modification / NPWP (Kč) |
Stavební úpravy Střediska sociálních služeb města Frýdlant nad Ostravicí, příspěvková organizace - prostory Domova se zvláštním režimem ve 2. NP a 3. NP budovy Contract modification |
26,722,090 | 1,843,897 (+7%) |
Stavební úpravy a přístavba hasičské zbrojnice a osvětové besedy v Lubně Contract modification |
12,252,000 | 1,242,457 (+11%) |
"Stavební úpravy školního sportovního areálu u ZŠ TGM ve Frýdlantu nad Ostravicí" Contract modification |
8,902,299 | 826,079 (+10%) |
Zateplení bytového domu s malometrážními byty na ulici Pionýrů 899 ve Frydlantu nad Ostravicí Contract modification |
8,535,365 | 796,158 (+10%) |
Chodník pro pěší k ZŠ v Nové Vsi včetně opravy místní komunikace Frýdlant nad Ostravicí Contract modification |
10,170,000 | 766,677 (+8%) |
Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications? detailed info
Does buyer publish vital data in official journal? detailed info
Type of flaw | Contracts count |
Bidders count not published | 0% (0 from 25) |
Procedure type not published | 0% (0 from 25) |
Missing buyer ID | 0% (0 from 25) |
Missing call for tenders | 0% (0 from 25) |
Missing winning price | 0% (0 from 25) |
Contract modification by more than 50 % | 0% (0 from 25) |
Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements? detailed info
Check | Result | ||||||||||||
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? | 76% (contracts) | ||||||||||||
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? | 0.96 (average mistakes per contract) | ||||||||||||
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 25 tenders under the law) |