Small cities • 2022 • past ranking

Město Mikulov

IČO 00283347

The competition for contracts is low. Buyer profile has high number of errors.

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Bidder participation

Is the level of competition satisfactory?   detailed info 

average 51%
Largest contracts
Rekonstrukce městského koupaliště
Construction work
Ø4 in industry
Rekonstrukce historického mostu v lokalitě Portz Insel a výstavba navazujících polních cest včetně rekonstrukce mostku
Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
Ø6 in industry
Mikulov Rekonstrukce chodníků podél III/0525 včetně nasvětlení přechodů pro chodce
Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
Ø6 in industry
Mikulov Rekonstrukce chodníků podél III/0525 včetně nasvětlení přechodů pro chodce
Construction, foundation and surface works for highways, roads
Ø6 in industry
„Mikulov, ul. Mlýnská a Poštovní - oprava komunikace“
Construction work for buildings relating to road transport
Ø4 in industry

Winner concentration

Isn't majority of contracts awarded to small circle of firms?   detailed info 

average 86%
Largest suppliers Contracts count Contracts volume Kč
Metrostav a.s.
1 58,836,698
Pražská plynárenská, a.s.
3 30,731,701
1 23,817,208
4 16,433,972
COLAS CZ, a.s.
2 12,485,180
Other suppliers 24 165,662,848

Public procurement share on total purchases

What fraction of purchases was made under procurement law?   detailed info 

average 68%
Purchases Volume (Kč)
Public procurement 213,725,198
Small scale tenders 48,623,749
Unregulated purchases 535,110,782
Total 797,459,728

Competitive contracting

How often does buyer use non-competitive procedures?   detailed info 

average 87%
Reason for negotiated procedure without publication
Original contract (Kč) Contract modification / NPWP (Kč)
Rekonstrukce městského koupaliště
Contract modification
58,836,698 3,822,480 (+7%)
Základní škola Mikulov, Hraničářů - jazyková učebna
Outside directive scope
- 2,370,463

Consistent conduct

Does buyer discourage bidders by frequent competition cancellations or modifications?   detailed info 

average 60%
Average values displayed

Journal data quality

Does buyer publish vital data in official journal?   detailed info 

average 98%
Type of flaw Contracts count
Bidders count not published 0% (0 from 15)
Procedure type not published 0% (0 from 15)
Missing buyer ID 7% (1 from 15)
Missing call for tenders 0% (0 from 15)
Missing winning price 0% (0 from 15)
Contract modification by more than 50 % 0% (0 from 15)

Buyer profile data quality

Does the buyer profile fulfill the legal requirements?   detailed info 

average 49%
Check Result
Is the buyers website consistent with central procurement registry? 73% (contracts)
Are there obvious flaws or inconsistencies within the data? 1.33 (average mistakes per contract)
Are small scale tenders published on a buyer profile? (Compared to quantity of 15 tenders under the law)
0-250K 1 tender
250K-500K 1 tender
500K-1000K 1 tender
1000K+ 11 tenders

Supplier feedback

Have the tenders according to companies been procured fairly and professionally?   detailed info 

average 81%

Buyer did not get enough feedback (yet) to get a statistically relevant rating from his tender participants. Thus he gets standard rank of 80 %.